Info/XP System

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XP System

Here we will explain how the XP system in the mod works.
Gaining XP is vital in the mod as it will allow your races to become more powerful, furthermore it will unlock further races for you to play with.

XP Gains

XP is gained by accomplishing specific goals in the game. Each of these goals nets a different amount of XP.
These are the different ways to gain XP and how much you gain through it:

  • Spawn XP

When your race is restricted to a knife or you are summoned as a summon you will gain xp on spawn to help you level this race.
Being a Knife Race gives you 50XP.
Being a Summon Race gives you 100XP.

  • Objective XP

When your team wins the round you will gain XP for winning, this amount is given again if you also accomplish the map goal (Saving the hostage, Exploding or Defusing the bomb).
The entire team gains 100XP.

  • Support XP

When you use an ability that helps out one or more teammates you will gain XP for the support.
If your support is in the form of an aura you will gain some XP at spawn for activating it instead.
Giving Support through a skill gives you 30XP.
Giving Support through an aura gives you 100XP.

  • Summon XP

When you use an ability to summon or revive an ally you will gain XP for this action.
When your summon then kills or assists in the kill of an enemy you also get a share of the XP.
Reviving an ally gives you 50XP.
When your summon kills or assists you gain 25% of that XP.

  • Assist XP

When CS2 sees you as the assist killer of the enemy you gain XP.
The XP is boosted if you are of a lower level then the person who died.
The formula is the following: 100 + LvlDiff * 15.
If the enemy was a bot this amount will be reduced by 50%.

  • Kill XP

When you kill an enemy you gain XP.
The XP is boosted if you are of a lower level then the person who died.
The XP is further boosted if you killed your victim by headshot or knife.
The formula is the following: 200 + LvlDiff * 30.
If you killed the victim by headshot or knife you will gain 100XP extra.
If the enemy was a bot this amount will be reduced by 50%

XP Boosts

There are a couple of ways to globally boost your XP gains in the system.
When these conditions are met you will gain a boost to any XP you receive.
These are the conditions:

  • Happy Hour

When a member of our staff is playing on the server it will activate Happy Hour.
Happy Hour boosts all XP gains by 10%.

  • Weekend Boosts

From Friday to Sunday you will gain the Weekend Boost, this will boost all XP gains by 10%.

  • Map Bonus

When a map hasnt been played for quite a few rounds it will give an XP Boost as incentive to play these maps.
Map Bonus boosts all XP gains by 10%

  • Refer Boost

If you are playing with people who you refered to or whom are refered to you, you will gain a bonus.
The Refer Boosts goes up to 20%.

Current Level XP Requirements Formulas

This category explains the XP required to gain a level.

  • Race is below Max Level

XP Required: (current_lvl + 1) * 300.

  • Race is at or above Max Level

XP Required: (current_lvl + 1) * 300 * Multiplier
The Multiplier goes up by 10% for each 10 levels of the race (Lvl 80 would be an 1.8 multiplier)

Other notes:

  • You can gain multiple levels at once
  • After max, you gain 1 level + 1 credit when leveling up.

For better understanding of the level requirements you can use the following stylesheet to experiment and see how the requirements grow.
XP Calculation Spreadsheet