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Buffs and Debuffs are terms we use to describe changing the default behavior of a person, such as influencing running speed or gravity.
These changes usually happen through the skills on the races, but sometimes a race gets a certain buff automatically.
When multiple races give you the same buffs they are added stacked for the final result of the buff. Here is an overview of the buffs currently on the server and what they do.


  • Health

Influences your Max Health, this number is added or removed from the default 100HP you start with.

  • Armor

Influences your Max Armor, this number is added or removed from the default 100AR you start with.

  • Visible

Influences how visible your character is. The lower the number the harder you are to see.

  • Fire Rate

Influences your attack speed with weapons.


  • Speed

Influences your Movement Speed. It is a known issue in CS2 that if you go very fast you float over little steps.

  • Gravity

Influences your gravity. The lower the number the higher you jump.

  • LongJump

Influences your jump acceleration power.

  • Friction

Influences your friction on the ground. The lower this number the more you 'slide' over the ground.

  • Flying

Determines wheter you walk or fly.


  • Skill

Makes you immune to most passive skills on races.

  • Spells

Makes you immune to most active skills (abilities and ultimates)

  • Items

Makes you immune to item effects.

  • Slow

Makes you immune to negative speed buffs.

  • Gravity

Makes you immune to all gravity buffs, effectively gives you normal gravity.


  • Revealed

Removes all Visibility buffs, effectively gives you full visibility.

  • Dispelled

Removes all 'simple' buffs and renders them back to default. (movement, attack, gravity, visibility)

  • Silenced

Prevents you from using active skills. (abilities and ultimates)

  • Hexed

Prevents you from using passive skills.

  • Bashed

Prevents you from moving.

  • Disarmed

Prevents you from firing. CS2 is known to still show you firing but you will notice that your bullet count does not go down

  • Stunned

Prevents you from performing any action. This is effectively a Silence, Hex, Disarm and Bash combined


  • Size

Influences the height of your character

  • HideWpn

Determines wheter your weapon is visible or not

  • FallDamage

Influences the amount of damage you take falling from great heights.

  • Marked

Determines wheter people see an outline of your character

  • Beacon

Determines wheter there is a beacon on you.