Guides/In-game Rules

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In-Game Rule

This is a Reference to in-game rules that should be followed. These are subject to change.

Server Rules

  • No discrimination or targeted harrassment of ANY kind
  • Please play the objective, we don't have a hard timer for doing so but if it's clear that you're just stalling to waste time action will be taken.
  • No intentional bug abuse
  • If you get team swapped, play for the team you got swapped to
  • No intentionally leaving map bounds, if you're walking on the sky or seeing through invisible textures it's not allowed
  • If your race has a small model and has a gun, your model must be visible before you can shoot
  • No mines on the objectives, if your mine/ward is permanent it must be placed in the surrounding area not on the objective, temporary wards are fine
  • Use common sense, don't be a prick, and if a staff member tells you not to do something, don't do it